J/SINSP Roque Constantino A Sison III was designated and assumed the post as Officer-in-Charge of Laoag City Jail last September 9, 2009. Despite the fact that he was new in Laoag City, he was determined to work and alleviate condition of the jail and its existing problems. Sison immediately buckled down to work. With his determination, he was immediately able to build linkages with the City Government officials of Laoag, various religious groups, government organizations, non-government organizations and benevolent and generous individuals.
He started to develop the jail in terms of its physical set-up and initiated measures that catered to the welfare and development of its inmates. And thru his relentless efforts, in a short period of time, he was able to implement various innovations in security measures and focus inmates' welfare and discipline. He was able to put things in order and transformed the jail premises and cells into conducive habitat. This was made possible with support from various sectors of Laoag City because of the pleadings he made upon his assumption.
Sison believes that if there are problems in the city jail, particularly in the aspect of security, they could not fully implement their plans and programs. He found it impossible to extract the productivity of inmates while there are aberrations in the system. In order to carry out therefore the mission and vision of BJMP, that is to implement humane safekeeping and development of inmates, he coordinated with the City Government, various GOs and NGOs, religious groups and benevolent individuals. He discussed with them all existing problems of Laoag City and all its lacking and made the necessary proposals to elicit immediate action. His efforts merited positive results as the inmates are now enjoying the provision of their basic needs, health services, educational services, religious services, sports and recreation facilities and the frequent visitations of paralegal services.
Moreover, the pleadings of Sison to the City Government gained the affirmation of no less than the Mayor himself, Honorable MICHAEL V. FARIÑAS. The constructions of vertical expansion of the existing perimeter wall and the construction of 3 sentry stations were immediately implemented and its first phase is now completed. The installation of the CCTV surveillance camera in strategic areas of the jail with power supply, recorder and monitor are already in place. All these are attributed to the City Government and the initiative of J/SINS ROQUE CONSTANTINO A SISON III. These innovations and development that the Laoag City Jail has scaled definitely enhances the over-all security of the institution and it enhances the welfare of the inmates and personnel as well.
It can be recalled that Sison is a multi-awarded city jail warden in the country, having won as Best City Jail Warden and his jail as the Best City Jail for 3 consecutive years during his stint in Dagupan City, Pangasinan, Best City Jail Warden during his stint as warden of San Carlos City, Pangasinan. Because of the numerous projects he had undertaken that resulted to the welfare of the inmates and personnel thru the continuous support extended to him by the local officials and various groups, his continuous dedication to duty, consistency of performance and strong determination to uplift the condition of Laoag City Jail in all aspects is again being undertaken for the benefit of the BJMP organization.
Barely a year and three months, J/SINSP ROQUE CONSTANTINO A SISON III had already gained the support he needs from the City Government of Laoag and various sectors for the transformation and development of Laoag City Jail.
Like the mythical bird Phoenix, Laoag City Jail ignited itself and from the ashes rose to become a beacon of light, a symbol of rebirth and renewal and a symbol of progress. Laoag City Jail is Moving Vibrantly Forward!
When Sison took over as Warden of Laoag City Jail, he did not waste any chance and immediately sat down for business and did his job - TRANSFORM LAOAG CITY JAIL! As an initial step towards transformation, the warden conducted his initial inspection in all the cells immediately upon assumption to his post.
After his initial inspection, Warden Sison gathered all the coordinators and leaders from each cell to discuss all the things that need to be done in order to address all the problems they were having.
After speaking with the leaders, the Warden had his first dialogue with all the inmates. Here they discussed all his plans and policies as the new warden of Laoag City Jail.
Photos below depict the surroundings of the city jail. It was very evident that a transformation was needed, physically to say the least.
As an initial step towards transformation, all the inmates and personnel cooperated in cleaning up the surroundings.
One of the more pressing problems that needed to be resolved immediately was the overflowing septic tanks, hence siphoning of these tanks was necessitated.
After identifying the problems that needed to be addressed and the solutions and plans of action are brought up, the Warden coordinated with the City Engineering Office to conduct their assessment of the area.
It was apparent that the Laoag City Jail was needed to be transformed or developed but this cannot be realized in an instant. The plans of action was implemented one step at a time. The photos below show the delivery of construction materials, paints and other materials needed for minor repairs and refurbishments. The photos that follow depict all inmates of the city jail helping each other in doing the job.
As a preemptive measure to security risk, the old kitchen which was utilized for cooking of inmates' extra food was demolished because the top of the structure is already leveled with the perimeter wall and this might cause escape of inmates.
As an added security measure, Warden Sison initiated to install a CCTV cameras in four (4) different locations with a monitor placed at the Warden's Office.
Through the support of the City Government, little by little, Sison realized his plans for the Laoag City Jail. One of the earlier projects he had undertaken was the installation of a new main gate.
The City Government headed by the Hon.Mayor Michael V Fariñas noticed how hardworking and determined Warden Sison was in transforming Laoag City Jail. It was because of this that he gave out his full support to all the plans of Sison for Laoag City Jail. Construction of a new Warden's Barracks was started and eventually completed. In addition, a reception area was also put up adjacent to the Warden's Barracks. It is interesting to note that the old barracks for wardens and the reception area were only a nipa hut.
Aside from the Warden's Barracks and Reception Area, a Cooperative Store was also constructed.
A much needed Sentry Station was constructed in front of the Warden's Barracks that serves as an entry checkpoint in the main gate. The station controls who comes in and goes out of the premises of the city jail.
To look more appealing, the logos of BJMP, DILG, Laoag City Official Seal and RBJMP01 and some important announcements were imprinted on the main gate and the inner gate.
The good correspondence being shared between the Laoag City Jail Warden J/SINSP ROQUE CONSTANTINO A SISON III and the City Mayor Hon MICHAEL V FARIÑAS has gained the all-out support of the City Government to the City Jail. Cognizant of the Mayor's positive and immediate action to all problems and issues dished out by the Warden during their regular meetings, BJMP Laoag has truly become a more conducive institution in effecting humane safekeeping and development to its inmates. This is vividly manifested by some massive development on the physical set-up.
New sheds that was acquired was set-up in the reception area for visitors during visitation days.
Additional barb wires were also installed along the perimeter wall and on top of the buildings.
Repainting of the BJMP Marker
Installation of an additional Cell Control Post
Painting of the perimeter wall in front and imprinting of LCJ Citizen's Charter and 11 General Orders of Sentry.
Delivery of additional construction materials needed for the renovation of the Admin Building.
One of the major renovations and facility development inside the Laoag City Jail is the construction of a new Administration Building. This is where the Supply/Medical/Search Room, Admission/Diagnostic Room and Rest Room are housed. This was initiated by Warden Sison with the support of the City Government. The old structure badly needed renovation because aside from its poor condition, it was only made of wood and nipa leaves.
To avoid water from leaking inside the cells during rainy days, GI sheets were installed in all windows of each cell.
Acquisition of a new desktop computer in the office.
Acquisition of a new LPG tank for the kitchen.
The facade of the main building needed a make-over. Renovation and refurbishments were necessary in order for it to be more appealing especially for visitors.
Painting of the rooftop of the main building
When Warden Sison took over, there are some instances that inmates scheduled for hearings were escorted using "calesa" because the existing prisoners' van was defective.
To solve this problem, Warden Sison requested the City Government through Hon. Mayor Michael V. Fariñas to issue a van to be used in escorting inmates during hearings. In addition, the BJMP National Office also issued a new prisoners' van for the jail.
During the formal turn-over ceremony and blessing of the newly issued city van from the City Government and prisoners's van from the BJMP National Office.
Delivery of construction materials for additional renovations and refurbishments.
Construction of a new flagpole
Elevation of the perimeter wall in the front area and construction of a concrete bench.
Construction of a new septic tank
Repairs of electrical outlets in all the cells
Repair of the break system of the old prisoners' van
Replacement of jetmatic and motor pump and repair of the drainage
Regular siphoning of septic tanks in all cells
Installation of additional control gate
Construction of a new cover for the deep well
The sentry station at the back was originally made of nipa hut. It was almost dilapidated when Warden Sison took over. Sison cannot tolerate seeing this kind of situation thus he initiated a construction of a new sentry station tower in place of the existing one. This was made possible through the City Government and the support of other government organizations, NGO's, religious groups and benevolent and capable private individuals.
There was an incident of escape of one inmate because the existing perimeter wall was not properly secured, and very accessible to say the least. This was before Sison took over as warden of Laoag City Jail. When he assumed his post, elevation of the perimeter wall was one of his immediate areas of concern. He immediately brought and discussed the matter to the attention of the City Mayor. With no hesitance, the City Government through the Office of the Mayor approved and released funds for the said project.
Procurement of a new executive table and chair for the Warden's Office.
To prevent the spread of Dengue, regular fumigation is being conducted in the surroundings of the jail.
Installation of additional GI sheets in the windows of the cell and in front of the Cooperative Store.